Get Involved

Project-Fun is a world-wide movement to bring people together. We need those people who always host a party, a bbq, the ones that entertain all the kids in the block, or those that simply want to help make someone’s day. If that’s you, and you’re interested in getting involved, you’ve come to the right place.

1. Find a Group

The best way to find an active local group is through our Facebook Group. Join and see the lists of Facebook events created. It not a requisite to create one, so browse the posts and see who else has joined.

2. Join a Group/Event

Once you’re able to locate an active group, we recommend reaching out to the group leader to see how you can connect and get involved. The earlier you join, the better your chances of playing a meaningful part in the event.

3. Start a Group and/or Event

If you’re interested in starting your own group and/or event, fill out the form below so we can register you.

Sign Up Form
Hide & Seek, concert, sidewalk chalk ninja course, etc.
Give us an idea of what you are planning. Be as descriptive as you can.
We know it's too early to know. We're looking for a ballpark number